

Short Films + More

One of my favorite things to do is to go back to where it all started for me--short films, funny videos, and turning "crazy" ideas into something creative. There's nothing like looking somebody in the eye and knowing that there is an amazing opportunity that lies ahead. When I'm free or have an idea that can absolutely not wait to come to life, I like to work with friends and other collaborators to shoot and create content.


This project started off one hot summer day, with me getting a new lens, thinking of an idea, and my friend picking up my phone call. Introducing Elise Catherine Nation, a fellow filmmaker, starring in her own video.

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In college, I joined the Vietnamese Student Association, and later on, became the Media Director for the higher partnered organization, the Union of Vietnamese Student Associations of the Southeast. I ran a team of 5 and led the overall direction of our reveals, highlights, and recaps.

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Nathan's Need is the result of my Entertainment and Media Studies 5250 Production Class. Our assignment was to randomly pick a genre, audio, and an item to be featured. My group got thriller, kpop, and a broom. Hence, the birth of Nathan's Need, a thriller about a girl, who gets kidnapped at a kpop dance group try out, by a serial killer.

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Oh Hannah Banana. The result of two production class assignments that were meant to teach us lighting and basic production fundamentals. Little did my group know, that she'd carry on for the rest of time.

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Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast of the Semantics, a large language ocean.

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When you are ten thousand miles away from home on New Year's Eve. As an international college student from China, Alice has a special way to celebrate Spring Festival. This was a friend's personal project that I color corrected.

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This short film was created to promote awareness about human trafficking. Placed as finalist with a commercial style narrative message exploring the ignorance to human trafficking in everyday life. Maintained positions of Director of Photography, Lead Editor, Producer, and Grip. Created for Cause and Effect Film Festival.

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An epic save-the-date short video to reveal Union of Vietnamese Student Associations' upcoming leadership conference. Maintained positions of Media Director, Producer, 1st Assistant Director, and Editor. Created for Union of Vietnamese Student Associations in Atlanta, Georgia.

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